I am already well into designing my fourth, which will illuminate what is the miraculous journey, bond, and beauty of motherhood. I think I am most excited for this one!
What's next?
Right now I am working on my 3rd coloring book. Its almost complete! This ones theme is 'lions!'
I am brainstorming ideas for my 4th coloring book, and am taking suggestions on my art page on facebook now. So if you have a great idea go share and let me know :) (facebook.com/leannallenart
Thanks as always to all my beautiful customers, supporters, and fans!
Here are some lovely photos sent in to me! you can send in pictures of your finished artworks from the books, either to my email or on my facebook page!
I LOVE seeing these!
New Book!
Hello! I am so happy to present to you my SECOND coloring book! This theme: Oceans!
It is finished, and ready for you to purchase and color! Don't forget to send me pictures of your finished work!
Books for a cause - Smith Family Adoption
For the entire months of November and December, all book sale profits will go 100% to the Smith Family Adoption.
Exciting right?
Peter and Krista Smith (mom and dad) have been dear friends to us for quite a few years now. For as long as I have known them, I have looked up to them. They are a family that really knows the meaning of love and sacrifice.They have gone through countless rounds of trial and blessing, and always come out a little bit stronger, a little bit wiser, and a whole lot more faithful.
Peter and Krista are parents to two wonderful children, Lily and Liam. Lily, age 5, is a bright girl, with a whirlwind personality. She is so smart and kind. Liam, age 3, is strong and always smiling. These kids light up every room they walk in. I look up to Peter and Krista for the loving way they have raised and nurtured these children. They know God, they know love, and they know that this next part of their life is so important.
God has called this family to the amazing role of adoption. Both parents and both children are crazy committed to this calling. They have been seeking God, and giving all they have.
For more about their adoption and story, you can visit Krista's blog here:
I want to help in just a small way, to unite a family and a child, to further Gods kingdom, and to bless this incredible family. Adoption is huge in my heart, and huge in the eyes of God.
So every coloring book purchased in November and December, will go to this adoption. Please, purchase a coloring book. One for you, one for a friend, some for your child's school class!
Thank you from me, and from the Smith's, and from the child they are bringing home!
Please share with your friends and family!
Order books here:
Color Me Happy - Post number one!
Draw, design, and publish your first coloring book........................ Check!
Begin plans for book two........................................................................................ Check!!
Yep, that'ts right. My very first coloring book has been drawn, designed, proofed, published, and is now available to all you wonderful people!
I am BEYOND excited about this.
Check it out here
Don't forget to send me pictures of your finished coloring pages! I will feature some of them on a blog post here sometime :) send them to leannallenart@gmail.com
So besides enjoying the amazing ways my art is being shared and colored, what am I up to now?
Well, life is busy! Me and my family (my wonderful husband, the bundle of joy inside me, and my parents and sister) are moving down to North Carolina! My husband is already there finding us homes, and we will join him early August.
We are so excited for this new start.
Until then, I have a lot of free time on my hands for the rest of July. I am working as a nanny part time three days a week, but the rest of my time is going to be spent soaking up and splattering out my creative juices!
I have so many projects going on! I have been very busy working on artwork and projects for my little boy's nursery :) It is nautical themed.
It will be dark blue, with anchors and whales and such all over.
Here is a cute little whale I made out of some old blue jeans, it was a very fun and challenging project! I am very in love with this little guy.
I am gonna do some more sewing projects for my baby, and I have a couple signs I am working on to hang in his room.
At some point I am going to get a life preserver, and paint his name on it, and then after he is born his picture will go in the middle :) Its gonna be adorable.
I am also in the middle of a couple of art commissions. (totally have room for more if your interested!)
And... Yes.... I am working on coloring book number 2! It won't be out for several months yet. I am still in the sketching brainstorming phase. But it is going to be even more amazing then the first!
It will have more objects on each page, more for you to color, and less central, more spread designs. Plus, the theme is just so fun. Endless possibilities.
Here is a sneak peak at one of the drawings I am going to be including in it:
The theme: Oceans!
Its gonna be awesome.
If you want to follow on a daily basis, and see more of my daily drawings, like my page on Facebook! facebook.com/leannallenart
Well, that's all I have for you right now! Stay tuned, and happy coloring!
All my love
-Leann Allen
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